Using Novelist to get recording advice
Novelist is available on the recording page, as always, in the bottom right corner, by clicking the novelist AI button.
Clicking the button opens the Novelist bubble/panel. As elsewhere, this is a simple chat interface where you can interact freely with Novelist, and speak to it to get contextually sound advice on recording your video.
Using Novelist on the main video page
Here, you can use Novelist to get advice on your video, and to get a sense of how your video is likely to be received by your audience. When you've selected a video, you'll see a prompt to review your selected video upon opening the panel. Click this prompt to start reviewing it and get advice.
A note about Novelist (and AI)
When using Novelist for video recording advice, remember never to appear as if you're reading from a script. As such, make sure to use Novelist's advice to hone your own natural presentation, not to replace it.