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Upload a resume

Jump in to Novel by populating your profile with your existing resume or CV.

Novel Team avatar
Written by Novel Team
Updated over a week ago

Upload your resume.

You can upload your resume to Novel to populate your profile with your existing experience, projects, and more.

You can upload your resume in two places:

  • On the dashboard, you can click the "Upload a resume" button when you see the initial guide. This will open a file uploader, where you can select your resume file (in Word or PDF formats).

  • On your profile page, while it is empty, by clicking the "Upload a resume" button.

The file uploader.

You can continue working after uploading your resume. Our uploader will parse your resume and populate your profile with the information in the background.

Note that while our uploader will attempt to parse your resume and populate your profile with information it finds, there may be errors in parsing all your profile's information into your Novel page.

You can always add or edit your profile items manually.

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